
Hosted by Chenn & Saint Patrick
Soul Talk is, at its core, a soul awakening show. Our work, whether on the air online, through the IMG Magazine, podcasts, IMG TV, or in any other platform, is to highlight the hypocrisy in Christianity by bringing to light that which is done in darkness. We take seriously our Christian duty as watchman of the faith. We, intent to hold those who dear to sit in the seat or stand on the pulpit accountable.
Similar to that doctors and police, ministers, bishops, people of the cloth are held to a higher standard. When they fall from grace the Soul Talk Wall of shame will be here. This is not judging, simply highlighting the deception of all of us and disgrace brought to the Kingdom of God… Keep in mind, the gruesome nature of some of these offenses. Consider this, if these people weren’t busted, they would probably continue the offensive act

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